FAO parents for 10:30am Family Service Remember on your way into church please collect a worksheet in the porch for your child, which they can use during the sermon. You can also collect the one for the following week for when you are watching at home. Attached is the worksheet for Sunday 11th October –…

FAO all parents attending the 10:30am family service. Mr Bingham will be using the ABC’s of God for the children’s address over these next weeks. On your way into church please collect a worksheet in the porch for your child, which they can use during the sermon. You can also collect the one for the…

OCTOBER NEWS SHEET – BACK TO CHURCH Dear Member of Mourne, Thank you for your prayers and support since Lockdown. It has been a difficult time for everyone. The Kirk Session have been planning what our church refers to as a “Phased return” to church meetings and activities. This means rather than have every organisation…

When: Fridays 8-9pm Who: All young people from year 8 up Where: Year 8-10: Lecture Hall Years 11-12: Minor Hall Year 13+ : Children’s Room What: Faith, fellowship, fun Why: To grow deeper in Faith and Love of God

Mourne Presbyterian Church Graveyard Kilkeel A Detailed Map Of Our Graveyard Click the image below for a full size map: CategoryMourne News, Whats On

COVID 19 – UPDATE ON CHURCH ACTIVITIES. At a recent meeting of Kirk Session the following decisions were made in light of new government and church guidelines. Sunday Services From Sunday 16th August ( provisional date)the church will be open for morning worship for those who currently are unable to watch the services at home…

MOURNE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FUNERAL AND WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS The Northern Ireland Executive have made changes to regulations concerning Funerals and Weddings. From 10th July 2020 the following legal restrictions will apply to these in Mourne Presbyterian Church. FUNERALS Funeral services will continue in the church as they have been doing so. Numbers will be restricted to…

Dear Members, You will have become increasingly aware of a gradual loosening in lock down restrictions. A review is now taking place with regard to the re-opening of churches for worship. While we all are looking forward to “being back together” again it is most likely that this will only happen gradually over a long…

Freewill Offerings Online: Contact giving@mournepc.org for more details Or call ‭William Turner on 07885 795632‬ if you prefer to speak to us Or fill in the form below:

For more information and the joining codes, join Mourne Youth Fellowship 2020 on Facebook. 

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