At a recent meeting of Kirk Session the following decisions were made in light of new government and church guidelines.
Sunday Services
From Sunday 16th August ( provisional date)the church will be open for morning worship for those who currently are unable to watch the services at home online or for those who are watching on their own and would enjoy the fellowship of others. The services will be shown on the large screens and will be exactly the same as those online. The service will commence at 11.00am. Social distancing measures will be in place and no one with covid19 symptoms or self isolating should attend. If you are able to watch the services at home please continue to do so as there is very limited space in the Meeting House.
Baptisms will recommence at the above services in the church on Sunday 23rd August at 11.00am. Immediate family members of the child being baptised can attend. Parents should contact Rev Bingham to make arrangements.
Small Groups
Small group bible studies can recommence either in the church halls or in peoples gardens provided social distancing measures are in place and hand sanitizing available. Anyone leading the Bible Study should be 4 metres away from the nearest person attending.
Risk assessment forms have been completed by the Kirk Session for these events as required by law. Each organiser should keep a register of those attending for at least three weeks.
We are thankful to God that slowly we are being able to move forward. Much prayer continues to be needed.
Please note that the wearing of facemasks at this time is not mandatory at any of the above. If someone feels more comfortable wearing one then that will be fine.
Keep close to the Lord
Keep close to His word
Keep safe.