The Northern Ireland Executive have made changes to regulations concerning Funerals and Weddings. From 10th July 2020 the following legal restrictions will apply to these in Mourne Presbyterian Church.
Funeral services will continue in the church as they have been doing so. Numbers will be restricted to family members and close friends though not limited to 10 people. In order to ensure the number attending does not go beyond the limit allowed in the building and that no close family member cannot get in because all the limited seats are taken only those names given to the minister by the family should attend the church service. Pews will be allocated to those attending.
Attendance in the graveyard for burial is restricted to 30 people only.
Only recordings of favourite hymns can be played and only the officiant minister take part. Services will remain shorter than usual at about 25 minutes. Only one funeral can be held per day. None on a Sunday if the church is back open for worship or on a day where there is a wedding. This is because of the time it takes to have a thorough clean of the building after the service.
The two metre social distancing rule will be in place and no one should stand in the porches but make their way directly to their allocated pew. Face masks are not compulsory. If someone feels safer wearing one that will be fine.
It is imperative that no one who has Covid19 or showing symptoms of Covid19, or self isolating should attend nor should anyone feel “compelled” to attend if they have any concerns.
The church will be thoroughly cleaned before and after the service and sanitiser will be available at the entrance. Signs indicating the 2 metre rule are clearly visible and many pews have been roped off as out of use to ensure the 2 metre rule. People can enter the main door and exit the side doors and main exit immediately.
No teas will be served in the Church Hall.
Weddings can take place either in the “open air” with a limit of 10 people or in the church with an upper limit of 60 people. Please discuss with Rev Bingham the details of the service as each service is unique.
Only invited guests should attend the service with no more than 30 people watching outside and implementing social distancing regulations.
No teas can be served in the church hall.
The new regulations bring significant changes and challenges. We appreciate your understanding and co-operation as we seek to follow the rules, keep people as safe as possible and yet provide families with the opportunity to worship God, remember loved ones with dignity and celebrate happy events as we have done for generations at church.
As these regulations are likely to change in the future please keep up to date with the information on our website or Facebook page.
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” Jude 24,25.