Hello everyone,
We hope you’re all keeping well and are coping with the new normal we’ve all been adjusting to. We know many of you have started up the routine of school runs again and we wish you well as you and your kids settle back into that pattern.
Others are more isolated with younger kids and we understand how hard it must be not seeing your friends and family as usual. We celebrate each new birth we hear about and we love to hear when a new baby arrives – it cheers our hearts to hear of our growing Rainbows family!
Right now we’re looking forward to celebrating Easter and we encourage you to share this wonderful story with your children. Sometimes its difficult to get the balance right between Easter eggs and Jesus’ resurrection. Some suggest keeping the two separate whilst others combine them by showing how the empty egg represents the empty tomb. Checkout our downloads for helpful hints on telling the Easter story to your kids and an Easter card to colour and share with someone you love this Easter.
Hopefully we’ll see many of you at Mourne Presbyterian church on Easter Sunday as we celebrate this most important day in our Christian calendar.
Wishing you all God’s blessing at this Easter time.
From the Rainbows Team

Click here to download the Eastercard

Click here to download the Teaching Preschoolers about Easter pdf

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