Hello everyone, We hope you’re all keeping well and are coping with the new normal we’ve all been adjusting to. We know many of you have started up the routine of school runs again and we wish you well as you and your kids settle back into that pattern. Others are more isolated with younger…

FAO parents Attached is the worksheet – “X” for eXhalted, for the children’s address at the 11:30am service on Sunday 28th March. .

FAO parents Attached is the worksheet – “W” for Wise, for the children’s address at the 11:30am service on Sunday 21st March. .

FAO parents Attached is the worksheet – “U” for Unchanging, for the children’s address at the 11:30am service on Sunday 14th March. .

FAO parents Attached is the worksheet – “U” for Understanding, for the children’s address at the 11:30am service on Sunday 7th March. .