Family, Youth & Adults Ministries
Please come along and get involved in the weekly life of Mourne PC.
Take a look below and simply click for more information.
- Sunday Creche
- Beginners’ Sunday School
- Junior Sunday School
- Children’s Church
- Sunday Knight Kids
- Mothers & Toddlers – Rainbows
- Mourne Robins & Anchor Boys
- Girls’ Brigade Explorers
- Junior Girls’ Brigade
AGE GROUP: For all babies and toddlers.
Babies & Toddlers Sunday Creche
WHEN: 11:30am-12:30pm, every Sunday..
WHERE: Ground floor, Crèche Room
A dedicated team of volunteers will care for your infant to allow you the opportunity to be part of our Sunday morning Church service.
AGE: Children of nursery school age.
Beginners’ Sunday School
WHEN: Sunday 10:30-11:15am, September through June.
WHERE: Ground floor, Children’s Room .
Sylvia Gordon or any of our teachers will be very glad to welcome your child.
Beginners’ Sunday School
Leader: Sylvia Gordon
AGE GROUP: Children P2-4.
Junior Sunday School
WHEN: Sunday 10:30-11:15am, September through June.
WHERE: Ground floor, Minor Hall
Ingrid Patterson will be very happy to help with further details. We would be delighted to welcome your child to Sunday School.
Junior Sunday School
Leader: Ingrid Patterson
AGE GROUP: For young children.
Sunday Children’s Church
WHEN: 11:45am-12:30pm, every Sunday
WHERE: Ground floor, Minor Hall
We want to encourage the whole family to come to church and join in public worship together. For some younger children however a church service can be too long. Children can therefore stay in church for the first part of the service and then leave for a Biblical, fun and interactive time running parallel with the Sunday morning service.
AGE GROUP: Children of primary school age.
Sunday Knight Kids
WHEN: 7:15-8:30pm, one Sunday a month.
WHERE: Ground floor, Minor Hall
Focused on God, fun for young people and food at the end. Why not come out to Sunday Night Kids? David and Ruth will make you very welcome.
AGE: for parents, grandparents and carers of children, newborn through to age 4
Mothers & Toddlers – Rainbows
WHEN: Wednesday 9.30 – 11.30am during school term time
WHERE: Ground Floor, Childrens room.
We have a varied programme including stories, crafts, nursery rhymes and singalongs so why not come along and let your child play with other young children as you enjoy a cuppa and chat with other parents and carers. The Rainbows team will be happy to welcome you.
Half Term: 18th February
Easter Holidays: 1st and 8th April
Graduation Day: 27th May.
Rainbows does not meet during June, July and August.
AGE GROUP: Boys of nursery school age (Robins) to Boys 5 – 8 (Anchor)
Mourne Robins and Anchor Boys
WHEN: Wednesday 6:00-7:15pm, September to March.
WHERE: Ground Floor, Children’s Room & Church Halls
Wilma Annett or any of the team will be very happy to welcome your boy to Robins.
Mourne Robins
Leader: Wilma Annett
AGE GROUP: Girls P5-7.
Junior Girls’ Brigade
WHEN:Tuesday 7:15-9:00pm, September to March.
WHERE: Ground Floor, Childrens Room. .
Sandra Gordon or any of the team will be very happy to welcome you.
Junior Girls’ Brigade
Leader: Sandra Gordon
Due to strict Child Protection Policies, the photos of children are library stock images, representative of the club/organisation and not of our actual children
Youth and Young Adults
- Senior Sunday School
- Junior Bible Class
- Senior Bible Class
- Youth Fellowship
- G.B. Brigaders
- Boys Brigade
- Boys Brigade Company Section
- Saturday Night Club
- G.B. Seniors
Youth & Young Adults at Mourne
From Senior Sunday School and Saturday Night Club to Youth Fellowships
Mourne welcomes young adults to all our organisations, clubs and activities.
Come along with your friends or speak to our leaders who will make you feel very welcome.
AGE GROUP: All children P5-Yr9.
Senior Sunday School
WHEN: Sunday 10:30-11:15am, September to June.
WHERE: Upstairs, Main Hall
William Grills is our Sunday School Superintendent and he leads a team of teachers who will be delighted to have you at Sunday School.
Senior Sunday School
Sunday School Superintendent: William Grills
AGE:Junior Bible Class Yr10 and upwards
Junior Bible Class
WHEN: Sunday 10:45-11:15am, September to June.
WHERE: Junior Bible Class – Upstairs, Upper Room
Junior Bible Class Leaders
AGE:Senior Bible Class Yr12 and upwards
Senior Bible Class
WHEN: Sunday 10:45-11:15am, September to June.
WHERE: Senior Bible Class – Ground floor, Church Office.
Senior Bible Class
David Morris, Carol Hamilton & Amanda Hanna
AGE GROUP: Young Adults Yr11-12.
AGE GROUP: Junior Youth Fellowship Yr8-10.
Young Adults & Juniors Youth Fellowship
WHEN: Sunday 8:15-9:30pm, October to June.
WHERE: Ground Floor, Minor Hall & Children’s Room.
Youth Fellowship
Leader: William Annett
Young Adults: William Annett leads a team of leaders in an action packed programme seeking to encourage our youth to make a difference for Jesus.
Juniors: Jonny Marcus leads the Junior Youth Fellowship team – Jonny or any of the leadership team will be glad to welcome you.
AGE GROUP: yr11 – yr13
G.B. Brigaders
WHEN:7:15pm Tuesday night, September to March.
WHERE: Mourne Church Halls.
Sandra Gordon or any of the team will be very happy to welcome you.
Girls Brigade
Captain: Sandra Gordon
AGE GROUP: Boys P5-7.
Boys Brigade
WHEN:Wednesday 7:30-9:00pm, September to March
WHERE: Mourne Church Halls.
Norman Gordon, the officers, leaders and boys will be very happy to have you along at BB.
Boys Brigade
Leader: Norman Gordon
AGE: Young Men Yr8+
Boys Brigade Company Section
WHEN:Wednesday 7:30-9:30pm, September to March.
WHERE: Mourne Church Halls.
The company captain Eric Niblock, the BB officers and leaders will be very happy to welcome you. The B.B. is a worldwide Christian youth organisation. Find out what’s happening for boys of high school age in Mourne BB.
Boys Brigade Company Section
Captain: Eric Niblock
AGE GROUP: All young people Yr8-10
Saturday Night Club
WHEN:Saturday 7:30-9:30pm, October to March.
WHERE: Mourne Youth Centre.
Discover what’s going on in our Greencastle Street sports hall on Saturday. Raymond McKee or any of our club leaders will be delighted to have you join in the fun on Saturday night.
Saturday Night Club
Leader: Raymond McKee
AGE GROUP: yr8 – yr10
G.B. Seniors
WHEN:7:15pm Tuesday night, September to March.
WHERE: Mourne Church Halls.
Sandra Gordon or any of the team will be very happy to welcome you.
G.B. Seniors
Captain: Sandra Gordon
Due to strict Child Protection Policies, the photos of children are library stock images, representative of the club/organisation and not of our actual children
- Prayer
- Coffee at Mourne
- 18-30’s
- Small Groups
- Men’s Ministry
- Women’s Ministry
- Walking Club
- Badminton Club
- English Classes
Adults at Mourne
We welcome adults to all activities & organisations at Mourne
Come along and explore our ministry for men & women.
Great fellowship is found in our clubs and organisations and you are very welcome to join us at any time.
The prayer meetings are the most important meetings in our Church. Please come and join us you are very welcome..
Prayer Meetings
WHEN: Sunday 6:25-6:45pm WHERE: Ground Floor, Church Office.
Fellowship, Bible Study and prayer.
WHEN: Thursday 8:00-9:00pm. WHERE: Upstairs, Main Hall.
OMF Prayer Meeting.
WHEN: Monday 8:00pm, last Monday of the month WHERE: Upstairs, Main Hall.
AGE:All are welcome
Coffee At Mourne
WHEN: Sunday 10:30-11:15am, running concurrently with Sunday School.
WHERE: Mourne Youth Centre
Coffee at Mourne is a great place to enjoy a relaxing chat before church or while waiting for your young people at Sunday School. A team, including Raymond and Allyson McKee are ready to welcome you.
Coffee At Mourne
Leaders: Raymond and Allyson McKee
AGE GROUP: 18-30
Senior Youth Fellowship & The Hub
Senior Youth Fellowship
WHEN: Sunday Evening – After Church
WHERE: Church Hall
All are welcome
The Hub
Any of the Hub Committee will be very glad to meet you.
Small Groups
Small groups are a great opportunity to share and encourage one another, exploring God’s word and what it has to say to our world we live in today.
They provide a great opportunity to understand the Bible better, can help you to get to know others on a deeper level and to grow in your personal relationship with God. There is no age restriction and there a number of small groups meeting during the day and at night times so there should be one to suit you.
If you are interested please contact Andrew Mullan or Sylvia McBride and we will direct you to one that suits your schedule.
AGE GROUP: All men are welcome, whether you come to Mourne or not
Men’s Ministry
WHEN: Friday 8:00-9:00pm.
WHERE: Ground Floor, Church Office.
Come along and explore our ministry specifically for men. Great fellowship, a chance to ask the hard questions and a place to grow in Christ. Richard Chestnutt or any of our men will make you feel welcome.
LEADER: Richard Chestnutt
AGE: All women are welcome, whether you come to Mourne or not.
Presbyterian Women
WHEN: Monday 8:00-9:00pm.
WHERE: Upstairs, Main Hall.
PW President Mrs Janet Bingham will be very happy to welcome you to PW whether you are coming for the first time or a regular.
AGE GROUP: All ages welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Walking Club
WHERE: Organised walks in some of Northern Ireland’s most spectacular scenery.
Ivan Martin will be ready to welcome you and provide you with full details of each walk.
Walking Club
Leader: Ivan Martin
AGE GROUP: All ages welcome. Under 18s to be accompanied by an adult.
Badminton Club
WHEN: Wednesday 9:30pm.
WHERE: Upstairs, Main Hall.
Whether you are a beginner or a budding pro why not come along on Wednesday night.
AGE: All foreign nationals seeking to learn English.
English Classes
WHEN: Friday 7:00pm.
WHERE: Mourne Halls.
We have 2 classes (Beginners’ and Advanced) which meet on Fridays at 7pm from the end of September until April / May.
Barbara Turner is one of the teachers who will be very happy to welcome you. There is no cost in coming to our English classes and we seek to help all abilities.
Due to Privacy Policies, the photos of Attendees are library stock images, representative of the club/organisation and not of our actual attendees.